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The regulations governing all BSRD prizes are as follows:

1.  Graduate entrants must be members of the Society but must not hold Consultant, Honorary Consultant or Senior Lecturer appointments.

2.  Undergraduate entrants need not be members of the Society.
3.  Entries for prizes must be received by the BSRD Prizes co-ordinator by midnight of the closing date.  Prizes co-ordinator: Rachel Tabor. Email:
4.  The clinical work for any prize should substantially be that of the principle author and the presentation should clearly acknowledge advice and assistance of any colleagues within the restorative specialty or associated multi-disciplinary teams.
5.  Entrants may not enter previously published or presented work. Any submitted work must not be entered into other competitions with alternative societies/organisations and may be considered the property of BSRD.
6.  All prizes are awarded on behalf of the Council of the Society on the recommendations of three council members appointed to judge each prize and such additional assessors as the Council may wish to consult.
7.  The judges take into account originality, content and scientific value and presentation.

8.  The Council’s decision on the award of all prizes is final.

9.  The Society reserves the right to withhold the awards if it is considered that the entries are not of sufficient merit.

10.  Successful candidates will be encouraged to submit a research paper, audit paper or case report for publication on the understanding that the paper has a footnote stating that it has been awarded a prize by the British Society for Restorative Dentistry.

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