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The BSRD Poster Presentation Prizes

** Submission closing date 25th April 2024**

Winners to be announced at the Spring Meeting 6-7th June 2024.

Applicants must be registered for the conference by the 18th April 2024.

There are FOUR categories of poster presentation available:

  1. Restorative Dentistry Clinical Case Poster
  2. Restorative Dentistry Clinical Audit Project Poster
  3. Restorative Dentistry Research Project Poster
  4. Restorative Dentistry Teamwork Poster (between dentist and technician)

The prize(s) may be awarded for the best poster presentation in any section. The posters are presented at our June 2024 Meeting.
The Poster prizes will take the form of a cash award of £250 together with a certificate.
Specific Regulations (see also Regulations and Rules for all BSRD prizes)

  • An entrant can only submit one poster to a category.
  • An entrant can submit to more than one category.
  • The poster should be submitted electronically in the form of an A1 poster.
  • The format/design of the poster is the entrant’s choice however;

1. Restorative Dentistry Clinical Case Poster:

This should be structured highlighting the capability and confidence to diagnose, treatment plan and provide optimum restorative dental care for a patients requiring restorative multidisciplinary care. It should detail the assessment and treatment planning options for a patient-based outcome, as well as evidence based written discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment. Good quality clinical photographs of the patient and any relevant existing prostheses should be included (blacking out of the patient's eyes is required).

2. Restorative Dentistry Clinical Audit Project Poster:

This should be structured highlighting the Audit process undertaken, its clinical importance and the improvements created.

3. Restorative Dentistry Research Project Poster:

This should be structured highlighting the Research process undertaken, the clinical importance and the clinical implications of the results obtained.

4. Restorative Dentistry Teamwork Poster:

This brand new poster category is a clinical case poster to demonstrate excellent teamwork between the dentist and technician. Good quality clincial photographs of the patient and any prostheses should be included (blacking out of the patient's eyes required).

Entrants will be expected to submit their poster electronically in the form of a PDF to be presented on the BSRD and a printed version for the conference venue.
Entrants must submit their PDF to the Prizes co-ordinator, Rachel Tabor, email: 

Submission closing date 25th April 2024.

Winners to be announced at the Spring Meeting 6-7th June 2024.

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