Constitution & Bye-laws (updated 2023)
The name of the Society shall be "THE BRITISH SOCIETY FOR RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY." The British Society for Restorative Dentistry has charitable status.
ARTICLE 2: Objectives
- To promote and advance the practice of Restorative Dentistry for the benefit of patients.
- To promote education and study in all aspects of Restorative Dentistry.
- To promote scholarship and research, including the presentation and publication of findings, pertaining to Restorative Dentistry.
- To further the interests of Restorative Dentistry with the organisations which control the provision of dental services.
ARTICLE 3: Fellowship
Section 1: Honorary Membership may be conferred, by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting, on any persons of sufficient standing, but, in normal circumstances, not more than two such Memberships may be conferred in any one year. This number may be changed at the discretion of Council. Honorary Members shall have all the privileges of the Society.
Section 2: Nominations for Honorary Memberships must be proposed and seconded in writing and must reach the Honorary Secretary at least two weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.
ARTICLE 4: Membership
Section 1: Membership shall be of the following classes:
- Membership
- Associate Membership
- Member and Partner Membership
- Recent Graduate (within 2 years of graduation)/Postgraduate Student Membership (with valid ID)
- Undergraduate Student Membership (with valid ID)
Section 2: The membership may be unlimited in number. Members shall be qualified, but need not be registered, to practise dentistry or a profession complementary to dentistry. Subject to the agreement of Council, those holding a scientific qualification and who have interests related to the objectives of the Society shall also be eligible for membership.
Section 3: Associate membership is open to any person who does not qualify for membership but who has a special interest in Restorative Dentistry. Associate members shall have all the privileges of the Society except that they shall be unable to hold Office or vote for the election of members of Council or its Officers.
Section 4: Member and partner membership is open to couples who are married or live together and who are both members of the Society but wish to receive only one copy of the journal, the Society Newsletter and related literature.
Section 5: Recent graduate/postgraduate student membership is open to any person who qualifies for membership but only within the first two years of obtaining their primary qualification in dentistry, a profession complementary to dentistry or a science relevant to Restorative Dentistry, or whilst registered as a postgraduate student.
Section 6: Undergraduate student membership is open to any person registered on a course of study leading to the award of a primary qualification in dentistry, a profession complementary to dentistry, or science relevant to Restorative Dentistry.
Undergraduate student members shall have all the privileges of the Society except Dental Update Access and that they shall be unable to hold Office unless in the position of Junior Representative.
Section 7: Application for all categories of membership must be sent to the Honorary Secretary together with the appropriate subscription.
ARTICLE 5: Officers
Section 1: Officers of the Society shall be a President, a Senior Vice President (who shall be the retiring President), a Vice President (who shall normally be the President Elect), an Honorary Secretary, and an Honorary Treasurer.
Section 2: Officers shall hold office for one year (Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer shall hold office for five years), but shall be eligible for re-election, except for the President, Senior Vice President and Vice President who shall not normally be eligible for re-election until one year has elapsed.
Section 3: The election of Officers shall take place by ballot at each Annual General Meeting.
Section 4: Nominations of Officers for the succeeding year must be proposed and seconded in writing and must reach the Honorary Secretary at least 2 weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.
ARTICLE 6: Duties of Officers
Section 1: The President shall preside at all meetings. Their decisions upon questions of order shall be absolute. They shall interpret the Bye-laws of the Society, sign the Minutes of all meetings and be Chairman of the Council. In their absence the Chair shall be taken by one of the Officers in the order listed in Article 5, Section 1.
Section 2: The Honorary Secretary shall conduct the business of the Society as Council may from time to time direct, keep Minutes of all meetings, keep a list of names and addresses of all members (both honorary and substantive) and make a written report on the work of the Society to the Annual General Meeting.
Section 3: The Honorary Treasurer shall keep account of monies received and all payments made and shall give a written report of the finances of the Society and present the accounts, independently examined, to the Annual General Meeting.
ARTICLE 7: The Council
Section 1: The authority of the Society shall be vested in a Council consisting of the Officers of the Society, who shall be ex-officio members of the Council, and six elected members, some of whom should come from a predominantly specialist or general dental practice background.
Section 2: Nominations for the six elected members of the Council must be proposed and seconded in writing and received by the Honorary Secretary at least two weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.
Section 3: The election to the Council of the six members in addition to the Officers shall be made by ballot at the Annual General Meeting.
Section 4: Members of the Council except ex-officio members shall hold office for three years following which they will normally (not always) be ineligible for office for one year.
Section 5: The quorum of the Council shall be the President, or a Vice-President and four members of the Council.
Section 6: In the event of the Council being equally divided on any matter requiring a vote, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
Section 7: If a vacancy occurs on the Council outside of the normal change over of council positions, the Council is empowered to fill the vacancy a ballot to fill this vacancy is not required at AGM in these exceptional circumstances.
Section 8: Members (both substantive and honorary) and associate members may be co-opted onto Council, at its discretion, for specific purposes.
ARTICLE 8: Duties of the Council
Section 1: The Council shall conduct the affairs of the Society and authorise all expenditure and be empowered to raise finances for any purpose.
Section 2: The Council shall meet not less than three times a year. Further meetings may be called at the discretion of the President alone, or at the request of not less than three members of the Council. Not less than seven day’s notice shall be given of all meetings.
Section 3: The Council may have the power to appoint sub-committees as it sees fit. These sub-committees may, with the Chairman’s permission and unless the Council states otherwise, co-opt members and associate members for special purposes. Their sole power is to report back to the Council.
ARTICLE 9: The Executive Committee
Section 1: The authority of the Council shall, in the intervals between Council Meetings, be vested in an Executive Committee composed of the President, the President Elect, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer, and one other member of the Council. The Executive Committee shall meet when necessary.
Section 2: The Executive Committee shall report to the Council and receive approval for all its actions. A quorum shall consist of three members. The Chair shall be taken by the President. In their absence the Chair shall be taken by one of the Officers in the Order listed in Article 5, Section 1.
ARTICLE 10: Auditors
Section 1: An independent examiner of the Society's accounts shall be appointed by the Council.
ARTICLE 11: Meetings
Section 1: The Annual General Meeting shall be held once a year.
Section 2: The Council shall be required to give a minimum of four weeks notice of the Annual General Meetings. A written notice shall be sent to each Fellow and Member. A quorum for such meetings shall be twenty.
Section 3: Extraordinary General Meetings may be called by the Council, or when requested by ten fellows or members if they shall notify the Secretary in writing. Such meetings of which a quorum shall be twenty, shall be convened within one calendar month of the request.
Section 4: There will normally be a minimum of two scientific meetings of the Society per year. Meetings shall be at such times and places as may be arranged by Council. The council has the right to postpone/cancel a meeting after proper due diligence has been undertake. Refunds for the meeting fee shall be granted. The Society can not take responsibility for other expenditures occurred by the member.
Section 5: Any proposed change in the Constitution and Bye-Laws of this Society shall be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary. The Honorary Secretary shall send written notices to all fellows and members stating the proposed change or changes to be submitted to either the Annual General Meeting or, if the Council deem it advisable, to an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose. A two-thirds majority of those present and voting is required to effect a change in the Constitution or Bye-Laws. No amendments shall be made to the Constitution which shall have the effect of making the Society cease to be a charity in law or authorise the application of its funds for non-charitable purposes. All such notices shall be sent out not less than four weeks before the meeting at which the proposed change is to be submitted to the members.
ARTICLE 12: Subscriptions
Section 1: The annual subscription shall be recommended by Council from time to time and be approved by a General Meeting.
Section 2: Honorary Fellows are exempt from payment of subscriptions.
Section 3: Subscriptions for those applying for membership after 1st January and for those who have retired from active practice shall be halved.
Section 4: Any member whose subscription is three months in arrears shall cease to be a member of the Society.
Section 5: The investments of the Society shall be held in the names of two Trustees appointed by the Council of the Society.
Section 6: In the event of the Society ceasing to exist all its assets shall be transferred to a charity nominated by the President of the British Dental Association.
ARTICLE 13: Misconduct
Section 1: Charges against any fellow, member of associate member of conduct or practice prejudicial to the Society shall be referred to the Council, who shall report to the Annual General Meeting or to an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose. A three-quarter majority vote of those present shall be necessary to expel a fellow, member or associate member.
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